About Kate

People don't usually like to hear females-- they're the ones with the boob-nipples, and the pink vagina bones, and the weepy wet eyeballs-- talk about certain subjects, so I make it a point to draw all the stuff that might make those people feel icky on the inside.

I'm Kate Holley, a freelance illustrator in Austin, Tx, and I go by Mean Thing Kate. I draw about heartbreak, body hair, regret, and weird feelings. My work has been featured on Bustle.com , in Peach Fuzz Magazine, and with Boss Babes.

You can contact me about illustration, creative assistance and poster projects at meanthingkate@gmail.com

And check me out on Instagram @meanthingkate where I post plenty of my latest work using the hashtag #littlemeandrawings

Okay, bye.

^^^ This is a picture of me, guys. It’s what I looked like on that day, and some other days.

^^^ This is a picture of me, guys. It’s what I looked like on that day, and some other days.